Maximilian Reinelt Center
DRV - Rowing Association | Togo - Germany
Education -Medicine - Sport
(supportet by Projekt Westafrika e.V. - Deutscher Ruderverband e.V. - Africa Green Tec - humedica e.V.)
Thanks to
all contributors
Tongji =
We are all in the same boat!
In Togo, on the shores of Lake Togo, the “Maximilian Reinelt Zentrum” is taking shape.
Togo is a country in West Africa, and it has links with Germany that reach far back into the past. The people living near the capital, Lomé, on Lake Togo, and especially children and youngsters, will benefit from the sustainable aid rendered here within the scope of international friendship and joint humanitarian support from Togo and Europe. Christian charity in action, serving as an example of how to improve the precarious living conditions of local people. Changing their prospects for a healthy successful life and giving them a chance to overcome poverty. The aim is to provide European athletes, educators and doctors as well as other people involved in the medical sector with an opportunity for getting to know Africa in its uniqueness, beauty and finding out what makes it so special.
Together – Successful – Powerful – In Harmony
A commitment to Togo. More than 100 years ago, the German naval doctor, Dr Erich Paulun, founded the German Tongji Medical School in Shanghai. Today it is one of the largest university hospitals in the world: this year the Tongji Hospital in Wuhan (6,000 beds, 9.5 million treatments a year) treated the largest number of Corona patients in accordance with European standards. Tongji – a challenge for our project in Togo!

Establishing sports and rowing facilities and providing opportunities for sports training.

Building premises for medical development and training offers the additional benefit of providing spaces for holding teaching seminars and educational events. Training the trainers.

Establishing a local medical outpatient clinic networked with the Lomé University Hospital and with regional hospitals.
Donate now!
Your donation will help make this world that little bit better. We will use your donation exclusively for assistance with this project.

Please send your donation to the Maximilian Reinelt Zentrum to the account set up specifically for this purpose:
Key words: Maximilian Reinelt Zentrum
Sparkasse Hannover
IBAN: DE06 2505 0180 0000 1238 62
This is the account of the German Rowing Association. Your donation will support the Maximilian Reinelt Stiftung (foundation) and will be used for the benefit of sports, education and medical facilities in Africa.

There are people who, by how they live their lives, help save the lives of others. We want to be a part of that. Would you like to send us a donation to assist with a specific project?
Project West-Africa
Key words: Maximilian Reinelt Zentrum
Bank: Volksbank Mittelhessen Bank
IBAN: DE76 5139 0000 0019 2274 05
IBAN: TG80370240103002645110100176
so that the idea becomes tangible...
Pictures of the construction of the boathouse and meeting hall “Deborah Loh Haus” in Togokomé.

Breaking news: sponsor & namesake wanted for sports arena in Togo! 32,000 - 38,000 € Hotline: 0170 90 41 26 7
Maximilian Reinelt
Medical practitioner
- Olympic Champion 2012
- World Champion & European Champion in the German Eight rowing team
- An enthusiastic athlete
- A highly committed medical doctor
“What matters in the end is how you follow through.”
This is the advice Max always gave, and which he himself followed in every aspect of his life. It enabled him to enjoy outstanding success both in his sporting endeavours and in becoming a medical doctor. He placed even greater importance on relationships. There, too, Max always “followed through” and always made himself available for his family, his fiancée and his friends. It is for this reason that he was much loved and regarded as a role model by many.
(Lukas Müller, friend and partner in the German Eight rowing team)

About Maximilian Reinelt
Born on 24 August 1988, Maximilian and his younger siblings Claudia, Georg and Robert were raised by their parents Isabella and Helmut Reinelt and had a happy childhood in Ulm on the Danube in Germany.
A boy with many and varied interests, he found great pleasure in participating in music and in a number of different sports.
He greatly enjoyed playing guitar, piano and organ, and especially singing with the St Georg Boys' Choir.
New support from the german eight

The site at Lake Togo
Gift of a suitable site at Lake Togo by the mayor of Togokomé municipality to the German Rowing Association. The DRV was a participant in the campaign “A Thousand Opportunities for Africa” sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Initial financial support from the association “Tour der Hoffnung für krebskranke Kinder” e.V. for treatment of children with oncological diseases.
A look at some of our work
Times when we feel that "our work has paid off" when a moment, a laugh, gives so much joy that all exertions are forgotten.
The Initiators
Our thanks go to the people who brought this project to life. Get to know us better on this page. This is where you can get in touch with our supporting members and initiators and learn more about our work.

Would you like to add your support to our project?
Like any social welfare project, the Maximilian Reinelt Foundation relies on its supporters. What we need is a commitment from each and every one who is able to and would like to help us. Please feel free to contact us directly.