
promote the educational process


Building sports facilities and premises for medical care yields the additional benefit of providing spaces for holding teaching seminars and educational events.

It also allows digital experts and teachers from Europe, mainly from French-speaking countries, to conduct live training sessions in Togo. The project can also facilitate the provision of technical equipment for telemedicine services.

  • Analogue in-person instruction using local teachers in Togo
  • Language teaching (30% illiteracy in Togo)
  • Hygiene - Health Education
  • Sport
  • Further vocational training, e.g., health care, technology, etc.
  • German adult education centres and their learning programmes to serve as a role model for digital education offerings
  • Scientific conferences held online involving experts from Togo and Europe
logo maximilian reinelt englisch


Tel. 0511/ 980940
Fax 0511/ 9809425
Contact -Center

The Project


Deutscher Ruderverband e.V.
Ferdinand-Wilhelm-Fricke-Weg 10
30169 Hannover

Projekt Westafrika
Liebigstr. 26
35037 Marburg