Who we are! Initiators | Supporters | helper

The Initiators

Our thanks go to the people who brought this project to life. Find out more about us here on this page. This is where you can get in touch with our supporting members and initiators and learn more about our work.

Georg Müller
Georg Müllergeneral practitioner
Mario Woldt
Mario WoldtSportdirector German Rowing Association
Akoete Sodogas
Akoete SodogasProject West-Afrika e.V.

Supporter & Sponsors

People who share our path with us and without whom this project would not have been possible.
Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
Client 4
Client 5
Client 6
logo maximilian reinelt englisch


Tel. 0511/ 980940
Fax 0511/ 9809425
Contact -Center

The Project


Deutscher Ruderverband e.V.
Ferdinand-Wilhelm-Fricke-Weg 10
30169 Hannover

Projekt Westafrika
Liebigstr. 26
35037 Marburg